Respect for the elderly, women first

Meeting as a common courtesy to clap first meeting strangers, have to shake hands with old friends reunion. Other hand shake hands with you, and you do Party Dresses not reach, is a very rude behavior. Men and women shaking hands, reach out to the women's side first.

If women do not want to Celebrity Dresses shake hands, but also a slight bow to say hello. Such as age clear differences between the older, first by hand. Shake hands with women to shake Flower Girl Dresses hands can be gently, not hard to hold. When shaking hands, always use a hand, but if hands are sick or otherwise unable to shake hands, they can be Quinceanera Dresses used instead of the left hand and asked each other understanding. Men shaking hands, gloves should be put off; If you can not pluck, should say "Excuse my gloves"; woman shaking hands, do not have to take off gloves, do not stand up. Guests for a Cocktail Dresses long time, shaking hands with others, do not cross, so that others hold after their grip. When shaking hands, not looking the other looking Evening Dresses away, or another third party conversation. After shaking hands, not when the other person's face towels.

"Respect for the elderly, women first", but also most Special Occasion Dresses countries in the world to comply with the protocol. In each presentation, the general introductions to the older young people; case Bridesmaid Dresses of admission to tell you about the elderly, the young people to rise to pay tribute; of the old senior members, scholars, professors give special respect; of elderly retired people to give treatment to a certain degree of honor and so on. In social situations respect for women, is said to be the legacy of medieval knights in Europe; it was also from a religious point of view, that out of respect for the Virgin Mary.

Therefore, the walking, the man shall Summer Mother of The Bride Dresses walk in through the side of the vehicle; up and down the elevator, should be allowed to walk in front of women; the door, the man should open Prom Bridesmaid Dresses the door, please women advanced; seat, the woman should be invited to sit down first; the same woman hello, men should stand; social gatherings, such as the master of men and women together, should try to be greeted with the hostess; meal when women Spaghetti Bridesmaid Dresses first order and so on. Only get off downstairs, the man should walk in front to take care of women; into restaurants, theaters, the man can walk in front to find someone to seat properly.

However, in respect for the elderly, women, should also take into account the ideas and customs of different countries. Chinese people to "Respect" for the virtues of the "old" as the honorific. Met for the elderly called "old man", "old lady", "grandmother", who said on Niangaodeshao "Guolao", "Xie old"; even those who do not how old, also known as the "old Master, "" old man "to show Romantic Wedding Dresses respect. In many Western countries, the elderly pay attention to independent, do not want to be called by their old, do not want others to do Unique Wedding Dresses the unnecessary dialogue has helped to take care of; do not want attached to the lives of their children; do not like people compliment my age; older women, As with young people pay attention to dress.

Par eveningdresses1 le mercredi 30 mars 2011


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