Women in formal occasions

u8046214594093080347fm0gp0.jpgWomen: Women's clothing, more wedding dresses pictures colorful than the men, the new chic. They not only want to take clothing to show his beautiful body, but also as a way to show their accomplishment and style. Women in particular about the clothes than cheap wedding dresses the men's room is much greater. Moreover, in addition to their other clothes, but also from head to toe, with coordination, including hats, shawls, handbags, shoes, socks and clothes, also have to match.

For clothes, in addition to special occasions, formal discount wedding dresses grand wedding clothes, but in general social situations, many women wear colored dresses. Dress the style, color, variety, can be chosen by popular, inside simple wedding dresses should be wearing a petticoat. In daily life, many American women's costume wearing trousers, European women wore skirts more. Occasions in social etiquette, are generally required to wear skirts, and this skirt at least longer than the knee. Wear long pants is considered to be too casual.

Women wearing more formal clothes, but also with most wearing the hat of stress. Women often buy top hats brainer. British Prince Charles wedding ceremony in St Paul's Cathedral, the guests into the dry, gentlemen all hat, the ladies are all wearing hats. Women's vera wang wedding dresses hat is not only the etiquette requirements, but also as the symbol. And unlike the men cap hat, like this chapter shall be dry, but with the colorful clothes, changing the wedding gowns pattern. They use fur, satin, velvet, made of leather, some decorated with feathers, flowers, pearls, etc., flourish.

Par eveningdresses1 le mercredi 30 mars 2011


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